We have multiple COVID-19 testing options. Let's determine which COVID-19 test is right for you     We have multiple COVID-19 testing options. Let's determine which COVID-19 test is right for you     We have multiple COVID-19 testing options. Let's determine which COVID-19 test is right for you     We have multiple COVID-19 testing options. Let's determine which COVID-19 test is right for you     We have multiple COVID-19 testing options. Let's determine which COVID-19 test is right for you

Diabetic Profile

  • Hemogram
  • Diabetic (Blood Sugar(F) -PP HbA1C)
  • Kidney (Urea Creatinine - Uric Acid)
  • Fasting Lipid Profile( Cholesterol- Triglycerides - LDL Cholesterol - HDL Cholesterol-VLDL Cholesterol-CHO/HDL Ratio-LDL/HDL Ratio)
  • Liver (SGOT-SGPT-ALKPO4)
  • Urine for Microalbumin - Routine